Drama Threat

Friday, February 13, 2009

February 13, 2009 - The Necronom VI intergalactical drama threat level is Elevated, or Yellow.

From this day on I'm providing a service for our fellow players, so they can know how high the risk of innocently getting involved with a drama incident. Unfortunately we have had a lot of regrettable victims in the past, so from now on just head here to be prepared!

Recommended Activities

  • All Roleplayers should continue to be vigilant, take notice of their surroundings, and report suspicious items or activities to local authorities immediately.
  • Everyone should establish an emergency preparedness kit and emergency plan for themselves and their friends, and stay informed about what to do during a drama outbreak.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! You should make it like the DefCon meter and put it on the quarters.

You could put something like "DramaCon". And now we would be at DramaCon 3... Severe would be DramaCon 1.