Where's the tentacles?

Friday, February 20, 2009

So I realize I've been busy with a lot of things completely out there for a while, neglecting the very basics that adult space exploration is all about: brutal tentacle rape.
But now I finally sat down and finished a device you may have seen before in its prototype form. I'm a bit tired today, but by tomorrow it should be available in the store for your garden. Not only do I believe it offers a very ncie effect, it also comes with a copyable flowerbud so you can decorate it all you want and fit it into your environment.

Great thanks go to Enkina Trenchcoat for patiently assisting with the video, I had forgotten how much fun it is to put those together, look forward for more on that regard in the future.


Anonymous said...

Youtube seems to have removed it. Find another player, please?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

whats the name of this product?

if you know, IM BlackMesa Frequency